My method for stopping vertigo attacks while they are happening

Discussion in 'Your Living Room' started by wonderin, Jul 15, 2012.

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  1. wonderin

    wonderin New Member

    Many years ago I discovered a way to stop vertigo attacks while they were actually happening. I have since refined this process down to a simple skill.

    A decade ago I suffered severe vertigo attacks associated with Menieres. As I had 'tried it all', I started looking for answers outside of the box. Of great interest was Dr Travell's discovery that tension in the SCM (front neck muscle) could be responsible for dizziness. Following on from this, I became even more hopeful when I read of Davies method of self-treating this area. For weeks I followed Travell and Davies methodology. As I was bedbound at the time, I was able to do this with absolute dedication morning, noon and night. It helped a little, but never enough to prevent/stop these attacks. This was where it got really interesting... I began to think through ways to use this same information to better effect by combining it with other theories of healing. It took many months of research, trial and error before I eventually found my answer. Applying this, I was able to elminate all of my Menieres symptoms. Word of my success spread quickly. Many times I would get a call from a family member of someone in the grips of a vertigo attack and I would go to see them or have them brought to me and treat them then and there. This method stopped the attack - again, as it was happeing - every single time.

    10 YEARS ON...
    Amazed at what I had discovered, I wrote my method down in two books "Discovering Body Logic" and "The Missing Solution To Chronic Injury & Pain". For those interested, after this post I will bump up the old thread associated with my first book, titled "Discovering Body Logic Study Group":,10079.0.html I sold in excess of 90 books here in the forum - just think, that's NINETY people who have learnt this - many of whom have since left the forum. I know it has helped many of these people as I still hear from them. You will also see that this old thread is 36 pages long... sadly a lot of the final stages were full of arguements.

    If you would like to learn this method (knowing that it is something you have to do for yourself) simply ask. I need to be clear that I am selling a book at This is a book devoted to healing seemingly impossible conditions.

  2. bulldogs

    bulldogs New Member

    Just tell us the procedure?

    Stop selling books on a forum for sick people!
  3. bulldogs

    bulldogs New Member

    The laby is the answer!
  4. wonderin

    wonderin New Member

    I forgot to add, I am happy to share with anyone respectful of me and my ideas. Everyone else I stick my fingers in my ears and say "lalalala" haha
  5. Intrepid

    Intrepid New Member

    The procedure is freely available on the internet. If you have hands with fingers, a long sock, a couple of tennis balls and a foam roller, you can stretch out little nodules that form in muscles, called trigger points, which supposedly tamper with blood flow and therefore oxygen reaching where it's supposed to reach.

    You can buy a used Thera Cane from amazon, eBay, or other places for less than 20 bucks, and work those spots so you don't strain your fingers.

    The sternocleidomastoid muscles are thick, ropy muscles on either side of your neck. They attach to the base of your skull (behind you ears) and go down to your shoulders. When they are tight, or develop nodules, they can cause lightheadedness.

    Mystery solved. No need to buy anything or wonder about some grand procedure. It's really annoying when people repackage what is free and then sell it to you like it is water from Lourdes.
  6. Intrepid

    Intrepid New Member

    You do that.

    I'm more than happy to share information on trigger points free of charge and direct people to websites with videos and explanations by physiatrists, licensed massage therapists and regular people who have put their experiences out there so others may benefit from it.
  7. wonderin

    wonderin New Member

    Intrepid, you have argued with me for over a decade now so nothing has changed. It doesn't bother me as it has helped me learn more and more about myself, but that is the truth of it. Do you know what Travell, Davies and my books have in common? They are all reminders of how powerful the health basics, such as muscle tension, are. Travell's whole set of complex journals are telling us in essence that physical tension gets locked in the body - and can be released. THAT'S IT!! ... release the tension and you will heal. Some prefer the message through her complex format - some prefer Davies more simplified format - some prefer my very simple format. Some people have practised this well before even Travell came along! Everyone responds to different presentations of the same knowledge differently, which is why your criticism of me "repeating" information has me baffled. My method works and it brings awareness to people well beyond this forum, so where's the problem? You can do it here online. It's all good!

    Here's a sample of different personalities responding better to different presentations of the same knowledge:
    You prefer "medical" terminology - although that seems to have shifted dramatically as you are now presenting it in simple form as I did in my book.
    One lady who studied Travell's journals for decades said she never really "got it" until she read my book.
    Many people who are helped by my book rarely even read books - they made it an exception only because it was so simple.
    Most people trained in health care want to hear from someone qualified (just think Intrepid - they would not like you telling people to put a ball in a sock and self-treat!)

    EVERYONE IS DIFFERENT - and we ALL deserve healing, so I believe we should be respectful of anyone bringing this message through.

    Since my first book, many ideas such as magnesium, gluten free and muscle care have infiltrated the forum. Since I've come back, I've had many emails from old timers in support. But they wouldn't dream of coming back online as they don't want the stress of being criticised. Since I came back, the Wellness thread has started up again and lots of people are actually DOING the muscle release work. Yet on the surface, it may seem like all I am generating is anger and frustration. I don't need praise (thankfully!) but instead I look for results way deeper than that. This may not be credited to me, but stirring up energy around this is helping.

  8. Intrepid

    Intrepid New Member

    1. You learned about trigger point work on this forum. I believe Titus or I introduced this concept based on our findings in websites before you even joined the forum.

    2. You also learned about chemical sensitivities on this forum. You had no idea they were strongly correlated with symptoms in many people. If I am not mistaken, I taught you a lot about benzene, toulene toxicity, and how harmful it is to live near gas stations.

    3. You argued until you were blue in the face with Rick when he talked about gluten being the culprit in many people's lives as far as symptoms were concerned. In fact, he suggested many, many times that you go gluten free and you argued with him about that.

    4. The Wellness thread has zero to do with your trigger point work and everything to do with Titus being in a place in her life where she has more time to spend here and help people.

    5. On page 35 of the DBL thread you casually bumped up, you say: Please if you are looking for answers, know that the best ones are ultimately FREE. Yet, it's not free - you charge for your books and for your answers. I'm saying I can offer the same information for free. No books. It's available on the internet or in Davies' excellent workbook, which focuses on his work with very clear diagrams as to where is what and why.

    6. People will do muscle release work if they wish. I don't market it as a "cure for Meniere's Disease." It's not. Your new attempt at a sales pitch is uncool - my method for stopping vertigo attacks while they are happening - and has the flavor of an informercial.

    7. I've read both your books. Don't make me critique them because you won't like my review.

    9. "Your ideas" on magnesium, gluten free and muscle work? Get rid of that ego and the massive trigger point that's obfuscating your vision.

    8. You have some nerve coming back to a forum that taught you all the stuff you packaged in 2 books to sell your books. Frankly, if it were me, I'd be so embarrassed.
  9. wonderin

    wonderin New Member

    Have you tried it yet when someone comes to you barfing with vertigo and actually STOPPED the attack within 30 minutes? Until you can achieve that and it works every single time with many people, what you are sharing is just theory. By shutting me out, you are missing the nuances of all I can share by having been there with them. Not just my ideas, but theres too. I don't understand why you continually do that? You have spent so much energy resisting me over the years, yet you are applying what I tried to tell you about years ago! Why not save time?
  10. Intrepid

    Intrepid New Member

    BS. Using "old timers" to promote your point just shows a lack of integrity on your part. Don't use people that way. I support your healing. I support the effort you've made in finding answers and I support your happiness.

    I don't support sales on this forum. Do your business somewhere else and offer what you have learned to the people on this site FOR FREE. Why? Because you owe your healing to this place and all the people who contributed towards it. You may have done the work yourself but the ideas and the initial brainstorming happened here.

    I'm done trying to make you understand something you refuse to acknowledge.
  11. Intrepid

    Intrepid New Member

    I'd like to correct you by saying that I don't resist trigger point therapy. In fact, I have used it and continue to do so and have helped others figure out how to apply it.

    I resist your coming back to sell what you learned here and ripped off Clair Davies book down to the Viktor Frankl example which he mentions in his last chapter. Come on!

    All the elite athlete talk you constantly bring up involves ONE athlete - your daughter!

    This is besides the point. If people want to buy your book and wade through pages and pages describing how sick you were, that's fine. It's not my money nor my time.

    If your focus is on helping people here then help them without a price tag. Tell them what the scalene muscle does. Talk about the points in the traps. Just say what needs to be done.
  12. Aladdin-Fae

    Aladdin-Fae New Member

    The word integrity literally jumped out at me as I scanned this thread .... but in reading realized that once again .org has lost most of it's integrity as usual ....which is truly sad - once again.

  13. Intrepid

    Intrepid New Member

    Can't stop people from falling down potholes. I guess it is human nature. Go ahead. Buy the books and be "cured" of Meniere's Disease forever.
  14. wonderin

    wonderin New Member

    I must agree that I am a tad stubborn - just ask my husband! ;D

    I notice no one yet has asked about my method.
  15. Intrepid

    Intrepid New Member

    I thought all your fear-filled old timer supporters already had.
  16. Joanne5170

    Joanne5170 New Member

    I agree its nonesense Joan
  17. Aladdin-Fae

    Aladdin-Fae New Member

    I have several types of vertigo - some stemming from neck injuries - muscles and other damage and some stemming from migraines. I know the difference between Tullios due to SCDS, (vertigo induced by noise, hennebert, vertigo induced by pressure, migraine vertigo and between neck injury/muscle vertigo and I have worked with numerous types of therapists, chiros, NUCCA, Chinese DR's - etcs. I've read books and learnt techniques to help alleviate some of the vertigo. A vertigo attack that happens as a result of an inner ear affliction is something totally - totally different. It is nothing like I have experienced before (that is prior to 2004). But nothing and I mean nothing I have found has stopped a true Meniere's attack of vertigo. Even being sedated in a hospital I've awoken to attacks of vertigo. Granted I was not under heavy sedation.

    I am not wanting to engage in the tit for tat going on but if there is something that I can do doing a true MM vertigo attack, I would like to know. Albeit, remember, mind and physical abilities are severely compromised due to continually spinning, dehydration, and vomiting or diarrhea.

    edited - for grammar - which is still poorly written but am too tired to care
  18. wonderin

    wonderin New Member

    Intrepid, I like you. I know I bug you, but I can't help that as I'm just being me sharing what I believe in.
    Aladdin, we'll see if anyone else is interested. If you are the only one, I'll message you. :)
  19. Intrepid

    Intrepid New Member

    No, it's not nonsense. No part of trigger points or Celiac disease or musculo-skeletal work is nonsense. These are all very real conditions.

    I'm not against the methods. I've contested two things: I do not think Lee had Meniere's Disease to begin with. I think she was misdiagnosed the same way she makes it clear that the people she uses as examples in her books were misdiagnosed.

    Lee's doctors did not take the time to analyze her symptoms. They stuck the MM label on her. After having read her books and read so many posts of people with MM on this forum, her symptoms were caused by advanced Celiac disease, a bunch of trigger points and perhaps MAV.

    I have yet to read a book called, "How I stopped a heart attack while it was happening!" to then find out that the poster exchanged intercostal pain caused by TPs for a heart attack. It never was a heart problem to begin with so to sensationalize a misdiagnosis is nuts.

    My second point of contention is that I don't support solutions of any type being sold by forum members to people on this forum. It's just wrong. Go do that somewhere else and offer your knowledge for free on this site. Without this place, there would not have even been a book.
  20. Aladdin-Fae

    Aladdin-Fae New Member

    There was a spot on my head that an old Chinese Doctor told me about and other ancient wisdom's he shared - but that did not help. It also is suppose to help with nausea but did not help either. I have a flow chart of things I've tried - funny- I know - but when you have attacks of vertigo like I have - you try most anything - within reason.

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