
Discussion in 'Your Religion & Spiritual Corner' started by barnyardbird, Oct 20, 2010.

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  1. Max Stooge

    Max Stooge New Member

    Popcorn balls rule, I love 'em and always knew which houses to hit for the best ones. Most would at least wrap them in saran wrap so as not to interfere with my Snickers.
  2. Henrysullivan

    Henrysullivan New Member

    Yeah, apples. What's that all about, something healthy on Halloween?
  3. lulu48

    lulu48 New Member

    No healthy stuff for me on Halloween! I love Butterfingers! Yum!
  4. Max Stooge

    Max Stooge New Member

    Yuck! Maybe a SloPoke. Those are good.
  5. lulu48

    lulu48 New Member

    Oh and I love Sugar Babies and Snow Caps! Everybody brush their teeth now so we can all keep our pearly whites!! ;D
  6. Titus

    Titus New Member

    Heath Bars rule!

    Apples were common in the Northeast. I do love them now and eat them every day. Of course, if you dip them in home made carmel and roll in salted nuts, they'd taste a whole lot better :D
  7. Henrysullivan

    Henrysullivan New Member

    Yeah, but don't put that concoction in my trick or treat bag!
  8. June-

    June- New Member

    Peoples, you just wrap them in cellophane and they stay fresh and don't stick to anything. How simple is that? I can't believe they didn't wrap them for the kids.
  9. CarolineJ.

    CarolineJ. New Member

    The worst part about Halloween is not eating those little chocolate bars before Oct. 31 arrives.

    Every year I buy them, one of the kids would spot them and open the box and have one and then before you know it the box was gone and a new one had to be bought and we all gained a little weight. Those little suckers are hard to resist.

    This year I have had them for about a week and they are secreted away in an undisclosed location and as far as I know they are still intact!!
  10. June-

    June- New Member

    I try buying stuff I don't like and even that doesn't work!
  11. CarolineJ.

    CarolineJ. New Member

    So true, my daughter bought some rockets and candy cigarettes (now called sticks) and they call my name as I walk by them.
  12. Titus

    Titus New Member

    The stores are selling candy buy one get one free. I think I ate two pounds of grapes today trying to get rid of the urge to eat chocolate.

    Here's the best. Take about a half cup of oats and melt a half cup of semi-sweet chocolate (1 minute) in with the oats. Then add 2 tablespoons of peanut butter and stir. I eat that with a huge glass of milk. Then I prepare to feel like crap for 24 hours or more because I'm allergic to peanuts (mildly) and dairy (mildly.) I don't do well with grains either.......but that stuff is so good.
  13. AmandaJ

    AmandaJ New Member

    naughty girl....have to slap you for eating stuff that makes ya sick..............pfffft as if ...i am writing down that recipe............i have a sensitivity to peanuts but peanut butter is sooooooooooooo nice
  14. Henrysullivan

    Henrysullivan New Member

    After the cold, wet, egg-laden ghost outfit, I learned. No more silly costumes. After that, until I became of age and no longer felt the need to trick or treat, I think that was in my early 20's, I went out on Halloween as a homeless person, or what we called them back then, a 'hobo.' All I had to do was get some of that black makeup, paint on some razor stubble, grab a stick with a bundle attached to the end, throw it over my shoulder, and head down the road.

    Of course by that time, I was bigger than most of the kids who had egged me in years gone by. So there wasn't any more of that to worry about.

    But when I no longer needed the makeup to show the razor stubble, and some little bastard came up behind me at a lady's door saying, "Hey mister, can you move out of my way so I can trick or treat?" I finally figured that my trick or treat days were numbered. It was only a few more years, and then I decided it was more blessed to give than receive.

    Funny, I still remember that little bastard.
  15. Jazza

    Jazza Saved by Grace Thru Christ Jesus

    Australian here.

    Some Australian stores have been trying to push Halloween here but it hasn't caught on. Very few people do it. If anyone does bother with it they would probably just have a dress up Adult party because it is a good excuse for a party. We like to party out here. Basically it would be a halloween costume booze up. I have heard some parents are having halloween kids parties these days.

    For most of us here it's just another day.

    Looking forward to Christmas not for all the trappings but because it gives us a chance each year to share about Jesus to our family and friends.
  16. Titus

    Titus New Member

    :D :D :D :D :D :D Kids have all the fun.

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