PMA to the Max!!!!!!

More thoughts from Keith Parsons


Some more notes:

Hi again. From some notes I have recently received regarding PMA, it appeasrs an old nemesis of mine has returned. The ability to expend a lot of words and convey very little information. For this I truly apologize and will try again here to define how a POSITIVE MENTAL ATTITUDE (PMA) is used by me, a fellow coper, to handle my MM in the hopes it is of some value to you.


PMA is not a cure for MM. It is simply a coping strategy that I have found to be very effective and successful in my daily battle with this disease. Nor is PMA a physical or tangible entity until such time as you yourself have developed and refined your own PMA to aid in your fight. PMA is of the mind, heart and indeed the soul, YOURS. When you go looking for the silver lining in those dark clouds, that is PMA. When you say the glass is half full, thus being an optimist instead of a pessimist, that is PMA. When you are hurting so bad but choose to sing rather than cry, that too is PMA.


The bad news is you must first build your own PMA to work for you as best it can and that takes a little time. The good news is you already have the raw materials to build it, but must become the architect of your own wellness. PMA goes hand in hand with all the other good stuff you should be doing. Rest, diet, medications, exercise, stress reduction are all physical tangibles that you need to do. PMA works on the mental aspects.


Remember please that I am not a professional of the body or mind any way, but simply a guy who got fed up with all those "professionals" telling me I had to live with it. I have chosen to live with it but under my terms and under my control. If you wihs to do the same, please read on. If you believe that feeling sorry for yourself, cursing at everything around you and blaming whatever or whoever for your ailments helps you better, then please feel free to delete this note as PMA will not be of any help to you at all.


Glad you decided to stay. That in itself is PMA because you want and need to control your life again don't you? In addition to the physical tangibles mentioned already, there is one more rather large mental tangible you must agree to:


Accept the fact that we are ill

Accept the fact there is no cure at present for our illness

Accept that symptoms and attacks are a part of our illness

Accept that coping is the best we can hope for at this moment

Accept that we are NOT ALONE in our suffering


This is not a holy revelation, this is just simple fact. Once you accept these, you can now start to control them both physically and mentally. Combined together within each of us these two entities are a very powerful weapon against MM and most other diseases of mankind.


Following your defined regimen of diet, medications, rest, exercise and everything else you now do must continue to be followed. PMA works best when the physical side is also working to combat our illness. Symptoms and attacks will continue no matter how good we keep at our regimen and this is what brings on the fear, stress and anxiety. The question we all ask is "Why am I still like this when I do everything I'm supposed to do?" That is the question yet to be answered. The same holds true for those who have undergone the various available surgical procedures. "Why am I still ill?" We don't know.


Knowing that symptoms and attacks will continue to occur is important in our fight against them. Thus, the focus of PMA here is on dealing with the attacks and how to better cope with them. Using PMA helps to prevent fear, anxiety and stress from entering into our minds which is wear PMA needs to work. PMA can be as simple as remembering some positive phrases that you repeat over and over again during the attack. Some of the ones I use are:

I know what this is and why and it will soon pass

Just relax and take it easy

I know I have stuff to do but it can wait, my priority right now is me

This is just a part of my illness and will soon pass

I will feel better in a very short while

This is one less attack in all the attacks I will have


May sound and look silly here, but they work very well for me. I use these phrases often and most of my attacks are less than an hour in duration and I am able to resume normal activities right after. When the symptoms start to increase such as fullness and tinnitus, I stop and think about why they may be growing. Have I done all I should have done (Physically) today? Did I take my medication etc.? Very often symptoms and attacks occur becase we have neglected to follow our regimen because we really felt good the last few days. Keep your regimen going all the time.


PMA is not really a big deal but it is something all copers of any affliction can really use. My only reason for mentioning it often here is that I have found it works for me and I made a promise to myself that I would return to this many fold, the bounties I have received from it. I truly hope this clarifies PMA a little more for you and that you can use it to your advantage whenever it is needed.


One who is overcoming bids you

Peace and Love Everlasting




This PMA to the MAX really does work if you let it. Keith has been my inspiration and mentor. When I finally accepted the illness, that I had it and I realized that I could choose to be sad or not. Of course I chose the latter. Now remember this won't happen overnight, it takes work, but it does pay off if you give it a chance. My motto is now: I may not win the war with MM, but I will savor each little victory as it comes. The best positive I have received from MM, is that I have met online and in person many wonderful people. I know these are my real friends and they are always there for me through the good times and bad. Remember you are NOT alone. There is always someone with a big shoulder and a good "ear" to listen to you vent, laugh, cry or whatever you need to do to cope with this illness. If I can do it, so CAN you!!!!!



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