Meniere's Ministry

Guest Essay
"A Blessing"
Pat <[email protected]>

What has Meniere's Disease contributed to my life? Many things, indeed, over the last twelve years. It's been uncontrollable sickness, embarrassment, dependency, loss of a valued career, fear, agony, anger, and stress. However, the positives have been significant, if not overwhelming, which has lead me to conclude that Meniere's Disease has, truly, been a blessing.

Meniere's Disease is and has been instrumental in my rediscovering that of myself which was lost, out of focus and unbalanced. It has facilitated a reaffirmed sense of ministry and personal desire for closeness with my God. It's enabled my slowing down long enough to "smell the roses" of wonderful blessings that I have abundently received in this journey we call life. Therefore, I prayerfully acknowledge with joy...

In the name of the Father...
Praise and thankfulness that He is ever present, ever loving and every caring, even when I've been too ill or angry to acknowledge or perceive His presence. He has always been there with me, comforting and wrapping me in His blanket of forgiveness and the promise of a better tomorrow as only a gentle, loving Father can.

And of the Son...
Awe and Gratitude for the ultimate gift of pain, agony, and sacrifice He endured for me that I may have eternal happiness. How, then, can I not accept this burden, that is asked of me, so small in comparison? After all, does He not send the sun to cheer me and dear friends and family to encourage, support, and care for me in my hours of need?

And of the Holy Spirit...
Whom I daily implore... to strengthen my faith and calm my fears and insecurities as I, in my humanness, experience the life altering progression and effects of my release me from my overwhelming need to control... to increase my sincere desire and ability to trust Him in directing the course of my create a positive attitude of acceptance within me and in witness to fill me with His peace that I may embrace each new day as an opportunity to walk more closely in His presence in this journey we call life.

Amen, so be it.