Your advice is greatly needed :?

Discussion in 'Your Living Room' started by wish, Nov 21, 2010.

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  1. wish

    wish New Member

    Hi all,
    I am Wish, after suffering from MM and an acute constipation. Now I have developed aniexty and depression according to the psy Dr.
    At first, I was afraid I will get insomnia after a week treatment of Antivan. I know I am over-worried. I approached the psy Dr, he said I developed symptoms of aniexty...
    Yes, I am so afraid of insomnia and it worsen the problem and finally lead to depression now, which the Dr said it worsen insomnia like a repeated cycle.
    I am on EFFexor 150 mg for two months and sleeping pills Stilnox. Recently, I found that the sleeping pills are not helping me to sleep at all even though at the beginning it helped for 4-5 hours sleep. I developed a kind of symptom that my hands, arms, legs and neck will move a bit by themselves (sound like out of control). I have constantly a sense of heart-popping out feeling once on bed. ( I know I am too nervous)
    I am on sick leave so no stress from work at all, all the stress comes from my need to sleep. The more I want to fall asleep, the harder I could get into it.

    I am now seeking your precious sharing on the followings:
    1) Should I stop Stilnox and let myself sleep automatically? I have tried for a week, but I can't sleep even rolling on bed for 4 hours.
    2) Would the uncontrolled movement of body due to continuous intake of sleeping pills for two months?
    3) Do you find a link that less sleeping time induce greater MM tinnitus?
    4) Do anyone know that whose suffer from aniexty and depression with "COMPLETE LOSS OF SLEEP"? or can sleep to a certain extent?

    THx for reading and your help.
  2. Roy G

    Roy G Do you know how hard it is to fake your own death?

    I'm no doctor and I know nothing about your medications, so I won't comment on them. I do find that stress and lack of sleep exasperate my symptoms.

    For what it's worth I take Melatonin before bed and find I get much better quality sleep.
  3. Taximom5

    Taximom5 New Member

    Please check the link below in my sig.

    Many people with celiac disease and/or thyroid disease have chronic constipation and sleeplessness. So do many people with neither--but MM symptoms are increasingly reported by both those with celiac and those with thyroid disease AND THOSE DISEASES OFTEN APPEAR TOGETHER.

    Vitamin deficiencies, too, can play a major role in these symptoms. I think most of us were slapped with various diagnoses (including depression) and handed prescriptions without our doctors even mentioning the possibility of ruling out common, easy-to-fix possibilities.
  4. amberini

    amberini New Member

    I think you need to get the constipation under control, then your body can start regulating itself.

    Bodies have Innate knowledge.

    1. Inborn; natural.
    2. Originating in the mind.

    The body knows how to heal but often we get in the way or we try to deal with a problem but not in the right order.

    I would imagine your diet needs some work. It's a big step to change one's diet and you might not be ready for that yet.

    So, in the meantime, you need to read up on Magnesium.

    1. It will help with elimination
    2. It will help you relax and sleep
    3. Examine your water intake, most of us don't drink enough plain water.

    3. There area many forms of magnesium, consider Magnesium Malate as it is easier on the GI tract but recommended by Chronic Fatigue Experts as a supplement to help with sleep. I take 800mg per day, you may not need that much, I was severely deficient and even needed IV's for a couple of weeks before I could take enough oral supplement without causing loose stool.

    4. Consider a sleep study to find out WHY you have insomnia. There are MANY reasons one can't sleep.
    Not sleeping leads to many other health issues/diseases. It's very easy to gain weight when you don't sleep well. Also, easier for blood sugar to get out of control with lack of sleep.
    Depression and Anxiety also are more likely when you are sleep deprived.
    There are many sleep medications, maybe this one wasn't right for you.

    Back to Constipation: All this impacts your liver and that means you are holding more toxins which further pollutes your body system.
    You might want to consider some liver detoxing. There are products formulated just for this, gentle on the body but helps eliminate and get things moving in the right direction.

    Hope you feel better soon!
  5. abigail48

    abigail48 New Member

    blueberries daily esp wild (organic), for elimination problems, no caffeind for the sleep problems, I usually toss around, & wake in the middle of the night, butn stick with it, the only easy time of falling asleep is a catnap in the afternoon. but I don;t work at a job, so it doesn't matter. caffeind is deffinitely a trigger for mm, after none for 3 years, I've been carrying heavy again (I don't drive) & to counteract the ensuing headach/muscle pain I began taking green tea, strong. the minispins when turning on my good side had stopped, & the hearing in the bad ear had been getting better, until 3 days of the tea.
  6. daveTO

    daveTO New Member


    I went thru more or less what you went thru. I am hopefully at the tail end. This is what I tried. For constipation, 5grams of vitamin C per day (you might need more). For anxiety and depression and insomnia, I tried relaxation audio ie guided imagery, breathing exercises (get it off the internet). Played them at least 5 times a day. It took weeks before it sank in. I also saw a pychiatrist(sp). I kept taking sleeping pills but no more than 3 weeks at a time. When I got to sleep a bit better, I take it 3 or 4 times a week as needed. Also used sleeping audio aids ie sleeptrack bought from the internet. Played everynight. Still taking sleeping pills after 5 months. I also got MM undercontrol with high dosage vitamin C 10-20grams/day and JOH.

    I find that you have to break the cycle of MM and insomnia/depression. They feed off each other. If you get your insomnia/depression under control, than MM symptons are less. vice versa.

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