You Ache So

Discussion in 'Your Writer's Den' started by Wobbles, Sep 30, 2006.

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  1. Wobbles

    Wobbles Storm (April 15, 1992 - November 17, 2006)

    Here is a free verse poem I wrote this morning while I was feeling a bit low with my aching body. I’ve been having a lot of trouble with very low red blood cell counts and have been terribly afflicted with inflammations and an ongoing battle with infections. This morning I tried to cope by having a dialog with myself. I’m not a poet by any means. This is just my lament. (I treied to punctuate it for pausing: I used comma for short pasue, period for longer pause, line breaks for full stops)


    You Ache So

    Oh Body,
    You ache too much.
    You complain too much.
    I go too fast,
    On grounds uneven.

    why do you ache so?

    You say, I am your keeper,
    Of rhythms and beats,
    Of time immortal.

    why do you ache so?

    You say, I am your meaning,
    I am your beacon,
    For paths untrammeled.

    why do you ache so?

    Oh Body, You say
    Your blood is gone,
    Your arms so heavy,
    Your legs too cudgeled,
    Why do you dump on me?

    You are my source of strength,
    why show weakness to me?
    You say I keep you safe.
    But why do you shudder so?

    I have gone to the heavens for you,
    To plead your case anew.
    Why do you ache so?

    Oh Body,
    Why hast thou left me so?

  2. gardenfish

    gardenfish New Member

    dearest Joe, you have penned a beautiful and eloquent lament of woe and pain. I would rather you not have to write, but I am pleased that you have shared a piece of your journey and so purely stated.
    Friend Paul
  3. Sarita

    Sarita New Member

    All my love and compassion to you Joe. I feel your pain and frustration.
  4. cdedie

    cdedie Designed by DizzyNBlue

    Joe, good job! You are in my thoughts and prayers.
  5. pardonme

    pardonme Guest

  6. Trish

    Trish Guest

    ((( joe and storm )))
  7. Bergie

    Bergie New Member

    I agree with Trish...


  8. Linda1002

    Linda1002 New Member

    Dear Joe - Thank you for the effort it took to pen that. {{{{Hugs}}}}
  9. Stacey3048

    Stacey3048 New Member

    {{{{{ JOE }}}}}

    I wish you didn't have to feel such pain!!
  10. Gina05

    Gina05 Guest

    Joe, I'm so sorry you go through this pain. I wish I knew a way to make it go away.

    Since I don't know a way, I copied your poem, and in a frame it will stay.

    I hope today leaves you with less pain, a smile or two, and a wonderful eloquence with words, post more, please, I enjoyed it thoroughly!



    p.s. I Love Your Avatar! What's his name?
  11. Bergie

    Bergie New Member

    Nevermind....I can't even go there. :mad:
  12. Gina05

    Gina05 Guest

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