Wouldn't you know it!

Discussion in 'Your Living Room' started by Lorrie K, Jun 27, 2010.

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  1. Lorrie K

    Lorrie K New Member

    Yesterday we were supposed to go to the neighboring town to do some shopping and dine out for my birthday but I could not walk a straight line all day, just really woozy, so we didn't go. My husband left at 7:30 a.m. today to drive to our son's (90 miles away) to help him cut a tree that came down in a storm a few days ago. So, of course, today I feel much better and might actually be able to go through with our plans if only husband were home. That seems to be the story of my life lately - I usually get one day a week when I do not feel quite so bad and it's generally when my husband is at work. Oh well, enough of the pity party, at least it's a hot, beautiful day here so the dog and I will spend the day sitting on the deck.
  2. Funshine

    Funshine New Member

    Sorry about your B-day Lorrie.

    Damn MM is so unpredictable!

    I hope that you enjoy your day on the deck with your doggie, sometimes my dog is my Best companion.
  3. Rebecca123

    Rebecca123 New Member

    I'm sorry about your BD plans.
    I have found out that whenever I make plans to go out I usually
    am having a bad day. If I make no plans I'm having my good day.
    Go figure...
    As for your dog, you're so lucky to have him. I have a cat and he really
    stays close to me on bad days.
  4. N Schmidt

    N Schmidt New Member

    Sorry about your birthday plans, but sometimes things work out. Yesterday was my best friend's 65th birthday and "our gang" was throwing a big party. Well, all day I felt really wobbly and crappy and thinking I would not make it there. By 9 pm things got better and with the help of some meds I got to the party and was able to wish my friend well (even though the general hubbub and live music were hard to take). Hurray for small victories. We have to grab them when we can.
  5. poppaharley

    poppaharley Meniere's: God's answer to a free merry-go-round

    You've hit upon one of the pain in the butt issues with this disease that some others pointed out in another post....problems making plans. I can remember losing big bucks on theater tickets because a half hour before we were to go, I went on the vertigo merry-go-round. I told my wife to go anyway and she scronged to see if she could find somebody to take at the last minute but my seat ended up unoccupied. At least she got to go. When that sort of thing hits, all I can do is just disappear for a couple of hours while the rest of the world goes on. I live in dread of the day it hits me somewhere in the MIDDLE of something like a theater production and I'm stuck in a seat spinning and trying not to puke on my feet. It's one of the reasons we always try for aisle seats toward the back, but that doesn't always work.

    I hope your birthday works out. Mine is next week and there have been plans for the "big 65" milestone that I hope go off without a hitch.
  6. dizzyc

    dizzyc New Member

    Yup, thats one the things i really hate about mm... my hubby just got his crops all in and we were gonna go away for a couple of days, he sure did need it, but i came down with a bad case of the dizzies. i hate letting other people down and am sick of this disease. hope you can celebrate your bday some other time.
  7. amfroggy

    amfroggy New Member

    Happy Birthday!!!!

    Sorry to hear you aren't feel well! I have to tell you, some days I would much rather hang out with the dog than the hubby! ;)
  8. Skye76

    Skye76 New Member

    Happy birthday friend. I sometimes think MM truly knows exactly what it's doing...when to flare up at some of the most inopportune moments. I always had attacks when traveling with friends, when I was supposed to lead a conference call, and especially when there was something fun or enjoyable to do. Boo. Stupid MM!
  9. winewench

    winewench I'm not drunk, I just walk with an accent!

    Maybe it's stress. I know with me, if I make plans and think too much about the MM "what ifs?" I'll have a bad day for sure. If I let it ride and do everything to be prepared (drugs, plastic bag in purse, even "depends" for a flight) and try not to worry about it, things usually work out OK. Just sayin'...
  10. Lorrie K

    Lorrie K New Member

    You may be right about the stress as I go to my dad's house early every Saturday morning to fill his pill containers, check the fridge for spoiled food, do a little cleaning, pay his bills, etc. (he has Alzheimer's). These trips are becoming increasingly stressful as his condition deteriorates.
  11. carolyn33

    carolyn33 New Member

    Happy Birthday.. you can celebrate it ANY day you want.. that's the law.. or mine now..
  12. winewench

    winewench I'm not drunk, I just walk with an accent!

    Hey Lorrie,

    How about taking Valium before you go? Can someone go with you? That sounds really stressful!

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