What have you learned today?

Discussion in 'Your Front Porch' started by shartsoe, Apr 30, 2012.

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  1. shartsoe

    shartsoe New Member

    So, what are you going to do about it? Give that beautiful dog of yours a hearty scratch behind his ears and watch him light up! No doubt he'll wiggle and wag and let you know how much you're loved. That might perk you up!
  2. bulldogs

    bulldogs New Member


    Are you sure you are not Kelley Mcgillis from Top Gun? You sure look like her.

    That is a compliment by the way. She seduced Tom Cruise.
  3. shartsoe

    shartsoe New Member

    You're funny, BD. Yes, you've told me that before. Thanks for the compliment. :)
  4. hollymm

    hollymm Me, 'in' a tree.

    I've learned that even having the right tools doesn't mean you can do the work...
  5. bulldogs

    bulldogs New Member

    What are you trying to do? You may need a bigger tool or a more powerful set of batteries.
  6. shartsoe

    shartsoe New Member

    Yep, I've got a really good chainsaw out in the garage, but I'm pretty sure I couldn't work the darn thing.

    I'm learning that sometimes you have to let people go. Why does it have to be so hard? I've been having problems with my middle daughter (she's 20) and today my other kids and I were on our way to pick up supplies for a camping trip. We had the Beatles 1 CD playing. My youngest daughter (age 9) started singing along to Let it Be. Such a bittersweet moment.
  7. mrdizzy

    mrdizzy New Member

    Just was reconfirmed for me that people are generally shitty...
  8. Intrepid

    Intrepid New Member

  9. mrdizzy

    mrdizzy New Member

    Just the way it is now. People (for the most part) dont give a fuck about anyone but themselves.. it has become a very very selfish world.
  10. Aliza

    Aliza I'm still standing, alone but upright

    Working together, separately takes a lot of patience.
  11. Intrepid

    Intrepid New Member

    I learned that complementary schismogenesis refers to a split between two people of different conversational styles. Who knew!
  12. Nathan

    Nathan New Member


    What's really going to bake your noodle is the phenomenon of complementary schismogenesis influencing, or creating symmetrical schismogensis without ever altering polarization.

    Have you covered proxemics? Similar to the dominant-submissive behaviours of class struggles, it's interesting how proxemics creates schisms between two people who initially seek social juncture, or syndesis if Greek is the chosen theme of the day
  13. shartsoe

    shartsoe New Member

    Well, now we've all learned something! :D :D :D
  14. Nathan

    Nathan New Member

    Today I learnt that even using 5 pegs, will not prevent higher winds from ripping towels off my clothes line & blowing them over my house & into my front yard.
  15. bulldogs

    bulldogs New Member

    I love this thread: I asked my 6 year old this question on the way home from school and his reply was " nothing, I already know everything". Pray for me-- it's going to be a long life. THe lessons I have yet to teach.

    Today I learned: getting to the top does not mean anything if you did not struggle and learn something along the way, such as always put people before money and self. It will come back tenfold.
  16. shartsoe

    shartsoe New Member

    Hahahaha!! Reminds me of my son when he was about 8. He was playing football on a pee wee team and I told him he'd better practice if he wanted to be like Peyton Manning. He looked and me and said, "Mom, I'm already as good as Peyton Manning." To this day I don't know if he has an oversized view of himself or he's a prophet. Good luck with that, BD!
  17. Intrepid

    Intrepid New Member

    Read Deborah Tannen. Love her work.
  18. shartsoe

    shartsoe New Member

    I'm really in awe of people who can think like you and Nathan, Sarita. I don't know if it's the disease or the stress of constant multi-tasking or just the fact that I'm getting older, but my brain just can't handle what it once did. I'm thinking of taking up a second language, but I just don't know that I have the grey matter for it! :-\
  19. Intrepid

    Intrepid New Member

    We're all capable. Sometimes we get rusty because other things in life take over but just practice and you'll get in the zone again.

    What language are you planning on learning? I will offer free tutoring :)
  20. shartsoe

    shartsoe New Member

    I'm not sure, I have kind of a wish list. I'm thinking Hebrew or Greek (so I can study old scriptural texts!) or Farsi, believe it or not.

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