Report from the Institute of Medicine about Vitamin D

Discussion in 'Your Living Room' started by CarrieOakey, Nov 30, 2010.

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  1. earshurt

    earshurt New Member

    Most excellent advice.
  2. earshurt

    earshurt New Member

    Rule of thumb for patents...

    Something that naturally occurs in nature cannot receive patent protection, unless there is a sufficient transformation process.
  3. Imnoscientist

    Imnoscientist New Member

    That's awesome. So for example we could do away with pethedine and use heroin instead. Seriously. Before it started being used recreationally it was considered one of the better pain relieving drugs for child birth. And not addictive. Then Govts could end the drug war, save heaps of cash on that and make money collecting taxes from heroin growers. Big Pharma doesn't have to lose out either - just transfer the refining process from pethedine to heroin. It's win win win.

    I know I sound like I'm taking the piss but I'm semi serious.
  4. earshurt

    earshurt New Member

    One of the main barriers is exclusivity in the market place.

    "Mr. Richard Stover, Vice President and Senior Pharmaceutical Analyst at Prudential Bache Securities of New York, noted that the extremely high costs of research and development almost demand "exclusivity in the marketplace." The patent system for NCE's offers such exclusivity. The patent system with natural substances does not. The estimated costs for a U. S. company to have a successful NCE approved by the FDA is $50 to 70 million. The privilege of exclusivity justifies the costs and risks."

    I started reading this two or three months ago and never finished so I don't know what my opinion would be of it if I did. But it is chock full of information on this subject. I have not evaluated it for spin though so I don't know if it is an accurate portrayal of the problems.

    This I like> "Nature's medical track record is unsurpassed. The mere survival of living things as individuals and as species is the greatest testament to the success of nature."
  5. Jordan

    Jordan New Member

    Statistically speaking, 60 percent of the world's CAD (coronary artery disease) cases are currently in India, and the World Health Organization estimates that 80 percent of all stroke cases will come from India and China in 2050. Indians (and South Asians in general) are also at higher risk for diabetes and other health conditions. Just an FYI.

    In the United States and elsewhere, the reason people do not benefit from natural sources of healing in our food (garlic, etc.) is (in my opinion) mostly because they don't want to. People do not take the time to cook and when they do they often make unhealthy choices. You cannot just eat what you want all day long and then wash it down with a bit of garlic or turmeric (or a diet soda).

    Earshurt, you said that you regularly council people about supplements. If it okay to ask, what kind of work do you do now that you are no longer a medical sales rep?
  6. Imnoscientist

    Imnoscientist New Member

    Could you elaborate on this? Which plants and/or supplements (and dosages) would you recommend for psychosis, schizophrenia, pneumonia, bowel cancer, malaria, arthritis and multiple sclerosis? I may have misunderstood you but I'm not sure if you are suggesting that cheap, efficacious and (usually) not harmful plants and/or supplements apply to all illnesses or specifically MM.
  7. Imnoscientist

    Imnoscientist New Member

    How do you know it's the turmeric and not the cardoman? Or the coconut milk? Or the chai? Also it is very sunny in India and most people spend a lot of time outdoors. They probably have quite high levels of Vitamin D. For free. From the sun. No supplements.

    What about MM - what sort of rates of MM does India have? And how do they treat it? Turmeric?
  8. earshurt

    earshurt New Member


    I own several pieces of rental property and right now managing them is all I do for money. The counseling on supplements comes by itself and my mailbox usually has several emails a week in it asking questions. The supplement counseling started by itself. People that know me took my advice and had some miracles happen in their life. They told other people who told other people etc...Now I spend roughly one third of my time doing research for free for people with health problems of all types. Its almost too much at times but I never say no. Three of my latest success are these.

    A lady with what was called Plack Psoriasis on her feet. She had cracks in her feet so wide and deep she could barely walk. She was a nurse too. She tried everything the doctor gave her and nothing fazed this nasty looking stuff. I mixed up a potion of clove, sage, tea tree, rosemary, and cinnamon oils and told her to rub it on her feet. Three days later she called me and said "oh my god my feet are not split open anymore I can't believe it!"

    A kid that was consider somewhat autistic. I recommended organic vitamins and changed his life.

    The latest was a kid with terrible MRSA. He was in the hospital constantly with MRSA in several organs and terrible boils on his skin. I recommended Turmeric. In two days the boils busted and drained. The MRSA left the organs and he is fine now.

    Imnoscientist that is a tough question. Without getting lots of info I never recommend anything just off the cuff. I research each case individually. Just off the cuff Ashwangda often works for psychosis. Pneumonia, garlic, cinnamon, clove, several things are good. Bowel cancer I would target individually with one of several things or a combination but it would require research on my part. Malaria I would recommend sodum chlorite hands down. Sodium chlorite will make malaria run for the hills in one or two doses. Arthritis you can use Rose Hips and get good results sometimes depending on the nature of the arthritis. Multiple Sclerosis I have been looking into but I never helped anybody with it so i'm not sure what I would do.
  9. earshurt

    earshurt New Member

    "How do you know it's the turmeric and not the cardoman? Or the coconut milk? Or the chai? Also it is very sunny in India and most people spend a lot of time outdoors. They probably have quite high levels of Vitamin D. For free. From the sun. No supplements.

    What about MM - what sort of rates of MM does India have? And how do they treat it? Turmeric?"

    Good questions and I don't have all the answers. It is supposed that the turmeric helps with stroke and I have seen studies that indicate that if Turmeric is applied soon after a stroke much of the damage can be mitigated. I don't know why they say stroke will increase so drastically in India. Beats me.
  10. earshurt

    earshurt New Member

    "In the United States and elsewhere, the reason people do not benefit from natural sources of healing in our food (garlic, etc.) is (in my opinion) mostly because they don't want to."

    Amen. If they can't dump it out of a package they usually don't want to eat it. My general rule of thumb is "if it comes in a package its probably bad".

    I almost exclusively eat produce and fruits fresh off the produce isle and not from a can or package. I eat some chicken, turkey, and some other meats every now and then but I hate to because eating processed meat increases chances of stomach cancer by about 36% if memory serves me correctly. But I feel that some meat is good in the diet. Wish I had me some free range chickens for the eggs. I could wring a neck every now and then and have real unprocessed healthy meat. Sounds cruel but I would do it in a minute.
  11. Imnoscientist

    Imnoscientist New Member


    You seem like a very well intentioned guy with an honest desire to help people and in a way which does not expose them to unneccesary side effects. I respect and admire that. I also agree with your dietary advice for general health and well being. Fresh is pretty much always best.

    I am a bit concerned that while we agree on the need to understand the scientific method I'm not sure you fully do yourself. The examples you give of your success stories are anecdote, not evidence. The story you give about turmeric use in India and cancer rates does not meet any of the criteria for evidence. None. It's based on population rather than a doubled blinded study, it's correlation rather than causation, it does not control for ANY other variables. The claim is bordering on the absurd.

    Having said all that, ingesting turmeric is probably not going to do anyone much harm. And if they don't get cancer then that's great. What WOULD concern me is if you are advocating any of these supplements and/or plants INSTEAD of drugs for the treatment serious conditions like pyschosis and schizophrenia, cancer or malaria. Please tell me that you aren't.
  12. earshurt

    earshurt New Member

    All I can say about the autism Intrepid is that his parents tell me he is much improved. Maybe they are lying to me. I believe them if they say it though. For the the cause of autism and what it truly is is still up for debate but if you have an opinion based on your experience I won't try to talk you out of it.

    I have all the studies on Turmeric I need to believe what I believe. Its ok if you don't though. I understand. I'm not sure and this may not be accurate but I think there may have been 644 studies done on Turmeric. It will whip MRSA like a bad kid and I have seen it multiple times. It does a lot more too.

    I do what works. If it works great. When I do something and I get a result I don't consider it ancedotal evidence. I consider it success. Somebody that almost could not walk for almost two years that had tried everything the doc threw at them and could walk three days later is a success to me.

    Turmeric worked for me like a miracle. Nothing else did. I call that results.

    I don't push anything on anybody. I don't seek people out and badger them. If they want my help I do my best and I have been able to help people mainstream medicine could not touch. Mainly I make sure I don't hurt them and I let them make their own choices. So far I have not been involved in hurting anybody thank goodness and I hope it never happens. If they get hurt it will be because they sought me out and made their own informed choices.
  13. Imnoscientist

    Imnoscientist New Member


    I don't want to knock you down either - as far as I'm concernced this is a civil discussion. I know that these don't often stay that way so I'll just say two last things. The first is a comment, the second a question.

    Comment - opinion based on experience is not the same (not even in the same ball park) as knowledge based on evidence.

    Question - do you have anything to suggest for the treatment of MM?
  14. Taximom5

    Taximom5 New Member

    With all due respect to the work you do, autism was more than my field, it was my life.

    Standard medical care of children with autism does NOT include--medical care! Seriously. Doctors laugh at us when we ask about diet changes impacting symptoms of autism, and laugh at us when we ask about vaccines, despite the (buried) existence of studies linking vaccines with autism, despite the fact that TENS of thousands of us saw our children develop seizures within hours of vaccines, despite the fact that there have been 1297 compensated cases of vaccine-induced brain damage, where it was ADMITTED that the vaccines caused those cases of brain damage.

    Doctors tell us that our children are "acting out" with behavioral problems when in fact they are in severe physical distress (ask any adult with celiac disease how much intestinal distress gluten causes THEM, and ask anyone with MM how much physical distress THEY are in). My son's kindergarten teacher nearly called an ambulance for him one day--SHE knew he was ill. The doctor scoffed and said that he was acting out. No, he wasn't acting out, he had undiagnosed celiac disease and was in terrible pain.

    With diet and supplements, he is now no longer diagnosed with autism. He is now a straight-A, popular student, a third-degree black belt in Tae Kwon Do, performs in the school orchestra, and has lead roles in high school school plays and musicals. And lest you say, "Oh, then it wasn't autism all along," he was diagnosed at age 3 with autism by FIVE different specialists in 2 different cities.

    So when you say there is no cure for autism, you are ignoring the FACT that some children who really and truly did have autism now do not.

    Interestingly, there is quite a bit of overlap with the supplements recommended by JOH for MM and those recommended for autistic children. And I have been saying all along that I think there is a link between MM and autism. (It is already established that there is a link between celiac/gluten intolerance and autism.)
  15. Jordan

    Jordan New Member

    That is an awesome story about your son. Autism is very poorly understood where I live (Jordan), and kids sadly don't always get the care and attention they need.

    Intrepid, I don't think Taximom is saying all kids with autism follow the same pattern as her son, but that parents would do well to investigate things like celiac. Just like with Meniere's, some people will find the answers in their diet and other unexpected places. This is very good information for people who haven't tried any alternatives.
  16. June-

    June- New Member

    To everyone - winning this argument will have no effect on the facts. So why not state our cases and let it be.
  17. Papajoe

    Papajoe Myco-dental Freak of Nature

    Yes - this.

    ADHD/Autism and similar problems are much like MM - there may be several causes. There have been studies that show that removing wheat and other common food allergens from diets have definitely helped some children, but not everyone.
  18. Wino

    Wino Resident Honey Badger

    Precisely because it's a spectrum diosorder, there are so many variables that can affect outcomes that any declaration that one specific treatment is a panacea for autism is pointless.
  19. earshurt

    earshurt New Member

    I didn't come here to win arguments. I came here to find comradarie and help for myself and if in the process someone stumbles onto something I have done for myself that helps them then that will be a double bonus. I have not campaigned that anyone do any of the things I do. I am simply sharing my experiences in the hopes that someone may benefit from them. If you disagree or find them "absurd" i'm ok with that.

    Imnoscientist wrote:
    "Second it is thought to be a neurological disorder but the exact cause is still unknown. There are too many variables but there is no known cure, as yet. You can manage the symptoms better with the help of medication, changes in diet, keeping allergies under control, ABA and speech therapy and other kinds of behavior modification which I deal with in my job. Changing their lives with organic supplements? Please. Let's not exaggerate. I get the impression that you do not have enough knowledge of autism or exposure to individuals with autism to make these conclusions."

    Taximom and I seemingly have stumbled onto some information that some people are unaware of. The child I am familiar with that had a diagnosis of autism is also incredibly bright and is much smarter than his peers. Her success story is very similar to mine. If you don't believe Taximom and I its ok. I don't have a problem with that.

    Imnoscientist wrote:
    "I am a bit concerned that while we agree on the need to understand the scientific method I'm not sure you fully do yourself. The examples you give of your success stories are anecdote, not evidence."

    This was not a thread about scientific method. My intent was not to outline proper procedures for scientific method. There is no way I can provide proof for you that some of the things I have suggested people try have helped them. They ask me what I think and I give them my opinion and some of them find relief to varying degrees. Some find no relief at all. I base my suggestions on information I get from pouring through many studies. I try to determine which studies are worth considering and which ones are not by using the knowledge I have at my disposal. I don't claim to be perfect in my efforts but I do the best I can.

    Imnoscientist wrote:
    " The story you give about turmeric use in India and cancer rates does not meet any of the criteria for evidence. None. It's based on population rather than a doubled blinded study, it's correlation rather than causation, it does not control for ANY other variables. The claim is bordering on the absurd."

    Maybe if you poured through the hundreds of studies on the active component of Turmeric which is curcumin you would have a different perspective. Maybe not. If not I'm ok with that. JOH and I both obviously did a lot of research to stumble onto Turmeric. We both wanted to avail ourselves of the potential benefits of curcumin in the Turmeric.

    Imnoscientist wrote:
    "What WOULD concern me is if you are advocating any of these supplements and/or plants INSTEAD of drugs for the treatment serious conditions like pyschosis and schizophrenia, cancer or malaria. Please tell me that you aren't."

    People that ask me for help are typically fed up with the help they have been getting from mainstream medicine. I do not solicit them. I do it for free for desperate people as a act of love and mercy. I study the active components contained in plants. Many of them have been proven to be unsurpassed as medicines. Medicines only exist as drugs because companies wanted exclusive patent rights so that they could make money. The plants were working so well capitalists thought "man if I could only bottle this and have exclusive rights by patent I could make a fortune but I can't patent the plants so i'll transform it into something I can patent and sell it." Unfortunately the results of their efforts are toxic. I have spent years researching this field and I am comfortable in the knowledge that I have. I don't know everything there is to know. My experience as a pharma salesman leaves me jaded with pharma results to a degree. I realize that most pharma drugs are poor substitutes for the real thing due to the collaborative effects of multiple substances contained in plants which create a synergistic effect that promotes healing. Plants are natural compounds and drugs are isolated components meant to mimic plants and never live up to the plant itself. Isolated synthetic components from a laboratory do not contain the synergistic helper components the natural plant contains. People that base their opinions from the information they get from mainstream medicine often feel the same way you do because differences between natural compounds and isolated components synthesized in a laboratory are not always considered. This is my opinion. If you have a different opinion i'm comfortable with that.

    Imnoscientist wrote:
    "What would you recommend for MM?"

    I have not recommended anything because I am not certain that I have found "the" answer. I have only shared my experiences.

    Regardless I would rather not argue about it. I didn't come here to argue. I came here for comraderie, help for myself, and to help others if possible. I realize that you are a hero member and that you may consider this your turf. If my experiences are not welcome I will no longer share them with the forum. I apologize as I seemed to have angered you somehow.
  20. June-

    June- New Member

    You haven't angered me in the least.
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