Pathological liars. They are so obsessed with being seen as interesting!!

Discussion in 'Your Writer's Den' started by Jean F, May 25, 2007.

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  1. pardonme

    pardonme Guest

  2. Those liars you be postin' about be the most frightened folks in the world. THey be afraid to love, so they be hatin' and lyin' and cheatin'. They be so very alone in the dark holdin' alla their broken parts with no way to fix them. Heck I betcha they not even be likin' puppies.
  3. Jean F

    Jean F Its still a beautiful world!!

    I agree, they must be really lonely people!! Thier thoughts must be going round and round in thier head all the time........ These kind of people are looking for a reaction!!......... I have learned to respond, or say and do nothing, rather than react........ It leaves them feeling ashamed, stupid, confused, and frustrated. They dont know what do do next!!....... Love Jean F xx
  4. Bergie

    Bergie New Member

    It took me awhile but I have learned to do this also....don't react, just ignore! Liars are attention seekers. So sad. :(
  5. Aladdin

    Aladdin Guest


    but i know its not the Christian way but i've had people deliberately hurt me just to be mean and/or humiliate me and honestly i have always tried to be kind to them and not hurt just because i could

  6. Mnme

    Mnme Guest

    Lotta wisdom in them thar hills Officer Billy Bob!

    Aladdin, that demonstrates your strength and their weakness. I'm finally seeing that the hard times really do test us and yes, the harder the test, the greater the challenge/potential reward. But it's not - in my opinion - about silently accepting the ridicule/hurt, it's more about getting stronger and stronger with every blow ... like a sappling has to do on a day to day basis in order to become that mighty tree. Others passing by can then rest a while in its shade, seeing what is possible.
    Hugs to you.
  7. Jean F

    Jean F Its still a beautiful world!!

    Re: Pathological liars. How to spot them!! This is really interesting

    Getting lied to, and then buying into it, is almost always a bad thing. (Sometimes it’s life and death.) Really good liars are everywhere, but they can’t control what they don’t know they’re doing. Here’s some stuff that most people will automatically do when weaving a yarn.

    1. If the liar actually believes they are lying, and that it is wrong, then watch for negative self evaluation gestures. These are usually touching of the nose or ears. Yes it sounds silly. Yes, we almost all do it. No, we don’t realize it.
    2. Eye contact almost always weakens during the actually telling of the lie. Except if someone’s doing that “look in my eyes and tell me” thing. In which case eye contact is mandatory.
    3. Most liars tell lies “palms down”. It’s a subconscious move that is defensive and deceptive. Showing someone your palms makes you feel vulnerable.
    4. Most liars are also slouchers. Our backs naturally straighten when we are proud and confident. Liars faking confidence, are rarely either.
    5. Humans eyes generally move up and to left if their brain is doing visual or audio construction. They will generally move to the upper right when doing recall. Just remember: Liars go Left, the Righteous go Right.

    None of these mannerisms on their own is a solid lock. But if you get someone presenting 3 or 4 of them, they’re selling you something you shouldn’t be buying. Love to all Jean F xx
  8. Jean F

    Jean F Its still a beautiful world!!

    The brains of pathological liars have structural abnormalities that could make fibbing come naturally.

    “Some people have an edge up on others in their ability to tell lies,” says Adrian Raine, a psychologist at the University of Southern California in Los Angeles. “They are better wired for the complex computations involved in sophisticated lies.”

    He found that pathological liars have on average more white matter in their prefrontal cortex, the area of the brain that is active during lying, and less grey matter than people who are not serial fibbers. White matter enables quick, complex thinking while grey matter mediates inhibitions.

    Raine says the combination of extra white matter and less grey matter could be giving people exactly the right mix of traits to make them into good liars. These are the first biological differences to be discovered between pathological liars and the general population.
    Systematic manipulation

    Other researchers have used brain imaging to show that the prefrontal cortex is more active when ordinary people tell lies. They are looking for ways to use this as an alternative to the polygraph test.

    But pathological liars are a distinct group who systematically manipulate others, lie or use aliases for financial gain or personal pleasure, such as to get sickness benefits or to skip work. “It’s almost like a livelihood,” says Raine.

    Until now no one has looked at the structure of the brains of this particular group, says psychologist Maureen O’Sullivan of the University of San Francisco in California, who specialises in lying and truthfulness.

    Raine interviewed 108 volunteers from five temporary employment agencies in Los Angeles and set them standard psychopathic tests. This allowed him to identify 12 as pathological liars, 16 as people with a personality disorder but who did not exhibit pathological lying and 21 as controls, who were neither anti-social, nor liars.
    White matter

    Using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), he scanned the brains of all three groups and found that liars had 26% more white matter compared with anti-social, non-liars, and 22% more than the controls. Liars also had 14% less grey matter than the controls.

    Responsible for information transmission, white matter is composed of nerve fibres or “axons” that connect nerve cells or neurons to each other. Raine believes that having more white matter makes people better at the complex process of lying, which involves manipulation, thinking ahead and multi-tasking.

    “It’s a bit like being a mind reader. You have to think, ‘what does she know about the situation, what does she not know’,” he says. You also have to suppress anxious emotions and the automatic impulse to tell the truth. Austistic children, who find it very difficult to lie, develop white matter at a sixth the rate of ordinary children.

    Grey matter mostly comprises the cell bodies of neurons, which process information. Previous studies have shown that people with less grey matter tend to break more rules and care less about moral transgressions, says Raine.
    Simple lies

    “This is a very interesting study,” says O’Sullivan. But she warns that more data is needed. “We don’t know whether they are good liars, all we know is they lie a lot,” she explains.

    Psychologist Bella DePaulo at the University of California, Santa Barbara, who studies deception, also found the study “intriguing” but points out that not all lies are more complex than truths, nor do they necessarily require more inhibition.

    “People who know that their fabricated stories may be challenged will sometimes practise telling their false tales. After a while, the made-up story may come to mind more readily than the true one,” she says. ......

    Looks like there are different types of liars!! But interesting, Love to all Jean F

    I found this inte
  9. Aladdin

    Aladdin Guest


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