My method for stopping vertigo attacks while they are happening

Discussion in 'Your Living Room' started by wonderin, Jul 15, 2012.

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  1. wonderin

    wonderin New Member

    Great, then we are both doing our best. :)
  2. wonderin

    wonderin New Member

    That's a great point Gustav. It's amazing how long an hour or two can feel with terrible vertigo. Glad things have settled down a little for you. Thanks for sharing.
  3. hollymm

    hollymm Me, 'in' a tree.

    Wonderin - you've spoken about page 81 a few times. Mind sharing what's on page 81? It sounds key to your method.

    One of the things I thought about was how this type of thinking works on other incurable diseases. If it's a mind set that gets you into the correct mood to massage the right muscles, wouldn't it work with other diseases? Someone posted about this before I could ask my question but, it would seem that this could work in many instances. Could you help with a few? I have periphal neuropathy, pustular and plaque psorisis, arthralgia, myositis, myalgia, degenerative disc disease, osterarthritis, bi-polar disorder with manic depression and a few more things but that should be enough to start off with as far as the book you're selling goes.
  4. wonderin

    wonderin New Member

    Thanks for the question Holly. Page 81 is about releasing tension around the spine/back. It's the method - the pattern - that I found works best as a starting point. The book's under copyright, but that's a very good thing because no page should be taken out of context. But forget the book if it's an issue. I have already described the general process in an earlier post when I outlined what I do for people with dizziness. Perhaps go back and have a look.

    And you're right - it does help all conditions. Here was my list: Menieres disease, Fibromyalgia, Cervical spondylosis, mild scoliosis (including pectus excavatum and winged scapula), ulcers, tennis elbow, back pain, asthma, chronic fatigue and eventually, depression. My body was literally shutting down. The same process helped then all. It was a radical shift in my thinking and approach to healing. There is more detail here if you haven't seen it:
    (BTW, I know it's a site for selling a book, but ignore that and just read what is there. It may help a little).
  5. Intrepid

    Intrepid New Member

    NO. It doesn't. Stop peddling false hope. To say your method helps ALL conditions, means you have knowledge of ALL conditions - which you don't. So much is flawed in the way you present your information.
  6. Titus

    Titus New Member

    Holly, Page 81 shows the picture of a body (it looks like a drawing) with certain trigger points numbered. It talks about rolling a ball to work these knots out (paraphrase from The Missing Solution.)

    Here are some other sites and other books that explain how to do this.
  7. Intrepid

    Intrepid New Member

    Let's be clear on one main issue. You have Celiac Disease. When you were at your worst because of untreated Celiac disease, your body began shutting down because that is what happens with Celiac disease. You are not just gluten intolerant. Gluten is POISON for your body. If you eat gluten foods on a daily basis, ALL your cured symptoms will return, including tinnitus, vertigo, fatigue, exhaustion, muscle pain, stomach pain, tingling, numbness etc.

    Here is a short list of how gluten affects a person who has Celiac disease (from


    Abdominal cramping, intestinal gas
    Distention and bloating of the stomach
    Chronic diarrhea or constipation (or both)
    Steatorrhea – fatty stools
    Anemia – unexplained, due to folic acid, B12 or iron deficiency (or all)
    Unexplained weight loss with large appetite or weight gain


    Dental enamel defects
    Osteopenia, osteoporosis
    Bone or joint pain
    Fatigue, weakness and lack of energy
    Infertility – male/female
    Mouth ulcers
    Delayed puberty
    Tingling or numbness in hands or feet
    Migraine headaches


    Iron deficiency anemia
    Early onset osteoporosis or osteopenia
    Vitamin K deficiency associated with risk for hemorrhaging
    Vitamin and mineral deficiencies
    Central and peripheral nervous system disorders - usually due to unsuspected nutrient deficiencies
    Pancreatic insufficiency
    Intestinal lymphomas and other GI cancers (malignancies)
    Gall bladder malfunction
    Neurological manifestations

    As you can see, most of your past symptoms are included in this list. Untreated Celiac disease also leads to asthma and of course, ulcers, in many sufferers.

    The other conditions you list that are musculo-skeletal in nature were relieved significantly by going on a gluten free diet. Once you eliminated the toxic substance - gluten - from your diet, your immune system got stronger because it stopped fighting imaginary enemies and your body began to repair itself from considerable damage that had been going on probably since you were a child.

    We all know by now, that trigger point therapy, massage therapy, deep tissue work can and does restore well being. Years of sitting with your neck jutting out or your back hunched messed up your posture so sit up straight and pull your chin in.

    Your method cured you because you probably did not have Meniere's Disease. If you did have Meniere's Disease, it was low on your totem pole because what was really ravaging and destroying your body was CELIAC DISEASE.

    As you know, Celiac depletes the body of many, many important nutrients, minerals, vitamins, and all the good things we need for healthy brain and body development. It is the nature of the illness. Fortunately, people can heal (slowly) from CD by managing it. How? You don't consume anything with gluten.

    Let me give you an example of another devastating condition called phenylketonuria (PKU). Individuals born with PKU cannot properly break down an amino acid called phenylalanine. The only way to keep this condition from causing devastating consequences is to go on a strict PKU diet. That is why you have labels on many food items that say: not suitable for phenylketonurics.

    It is the same with Celiac disease. Today, many food items warn users that the item contains gluten.

    My view is that it is incorrect for Lee to say her method helps all conditions or stops vertigo while it is happening because vertigo is a symptom of many conditions, not just Meniere's Disease. Her vertigo was most likely stopped by going gluten free, not by curing Meniere's Disease as she claims.

    I am not shooting down her work in its entirety, but I do question a large part of its validity and reliability.
  8. Titus

    Titus New Member

    Lee, I'm quite sure you had situational depression cause by your many health issues. Once your health issues resolved, the depression would, most likely, resolve. Both Holly and I have clinical bi-polar disorder. It is a genetic brain chemistry imbalance. One could be totally healthy, without allergies, no trigger points, and no other illnesses and one day become manic. Stress can trigger the first episode but in many cases, it is sudden and unexpected. It does not respond to talk therapy although therapy can help. It responds to medication, shock therapy, and TMS (a procedure using high magnetic stimulation).

    Don't get me wrong, situational depression can be horrible and makes your whole body feel bad but it usually can be helped by cognitive therapy, short-term antidepressant use, and correcting the situation.

    That said, the mind-body connection can be very strong but you must remember that people with chemical imbalances might not even be able to read a book much less follow instructions. I lost my ability to read for three weeks in 1999 due to a chemical imbalance in my brain.
  9. Titus

    Titus New Member

    Also, if you had Celiac disease you most likely had a difficiency in B-12. Here is a list of symptoms that are commonly present with B-12 deficiencies:

    Symptoms of Vitamin B12 Deficiency

    A deficiency of vitamin B12 can lead to vitamin B12 deficiency anemia. A mild deficiency may cause only mild, if any, symptoms. But as the anemia worsens it may causes symptoms such as:
    weakness, tiredness or light-headedness
    rapid heartbeat and breathing
    pale skin
    sore tongue
    easy bruising or bleeding, including bleeding gums
    stomach upset and weight loss
    diarrhea or constipation

    If the deficiency is not corrected, it can damage the nerve cells. If this happens, vitamin B12 deficiency effects may include:
    tingling or numbness in fingers and toes
    difficulty walking
    mood changes or depression
    memory loss, disorientation, and dementia
  10. wonderin

    wonderin New Member

    Titus most of those sites are selling something too, like books and massage equipment. See the irony? Hopefully society is shifting towards sharing when it comes to health, but right now it's just not like that. Doctors charge, physiotherapists charge, authors charge - unless they don't need to pay bills. Free sites stay free while the person can afford to live, but put that site owner under financial pressure and they too must succumb to support themselves and their family. This is our world. The ironic thing is, the more sharing and opening up that is happening, the more people are going out of business. We're trying to get back to sharing but it's a tough road given the social structures we have created. Imagine, for example, if knowledge was free - who would pay our teachers and how would their families eat? What if health and food - which is about our very survival - were free? Sounds wonderful, but our economic framework would collapse - and perhaps IS collapsing.

    You said you are quite sure I had situational depression, but that too is a judgement (not that it matters to me as I have long respected you and know you mean well, but it helps me make my point). Personally I believe it was the other way around, that my body reflected my thought processes and lifestyle choices. I realised that every thought created a physical response in my body - and my thoughts were filled with downer ideas and overusing parts of my body. I argued, I overachieved, I stood up for the underdog, I criticised those who did not match my particular set of morals and I overworked and underslept. And then when my body began to give way, my mind was filled with even more fear-filled thoughts, and so down and down I went. Is that situational depression or is that faulty thinking patterns, or is that a chemical imbalance? One person will think one thing another something else again. But the most important thing is that when I began noticing what I was doing to my body and made up mind to help myself, everything changed.

    Let's also say that I'm a terrible person here to take money from unsuspecting victims. My underlying motives will impact my health - so "justice will be served" so you don't need to worry about saving the world from me. Life does it for us! People here can also think for themselves once a point is made. Truth is that the more I present this info, the more I see changes wherever I am. Sometimes slow, sometimes angry, sometimes fast and wonderful, but I know it has an effect. Right or wrong in your mind, this is me doing my best.
  11. Intrepid

    Intrepid New Member

    You are not a terrible person and never, not once, have I thought that.

    I think your books are skewed. They read more like a memoir of your illness with too little focus on how to get what you suggest, done. I've read them both, more than once. There is too much fluff. Too much. The Missing Solution doesn't actually say anything substantial for the first 50 or more pages.

    The illustrations are not connected to the message. When the focus is trigger point work, there is constant reference to Travell and Davies' book and very little included in your book. It is a much better investment to buy Davies' trigger point workbook.

    No fluff.

    Information from the get go.

    Examples of people who benefited from trigger point therapy are directly connected to the illustrations, names of muscles and how to get the work done.

    Your issue is Celiac disease. It is not Meniere's Disease.

    It's not about taking money from unsuspecting victims. 20 bucks won't bankrupt anyone. It's being left with a handful of almost nothing after buying and reading both books. That's the main problem.

    I think you may be right when you say you are probably better at doing the work than writing about it.

    Titus may have made an assumption about your depression but in saying your book can help ALL conditions and stop vertigo in its tracks for those with Meniere's Disease (and actually cure them), is a preposterous assumption on your part.

    I don't know why you feel the need to sell your books HERE. Offer your help for free here, on this forum, and sell your book in the other corners of the world.
  12. wonderin

    wonderin New Member

    Do you see the irony in what you just wrote? You read my first book - participated for months on end in the "Discovering Body Logic Study Group" thread here in this forum based on the first book, then you bought my second book and read it more than once! I can see the shift in you and yet you say it was all fluff. That makes no sense to me as why would you buy the second book if you didn't see some benefit in the first.
  13. Gina05

    Gina05 Guest

    Wow, I was tested for this disease. It was negative.
    After reading these posts, I'm really thankful I do not have it!

    My prayers go out to those who have.

    Wondering-I'm wondering, do you ever make exceptions and give your books for free?
    They sound very intriguing, I love books.
    I'm the type of person who needs to read things over sometimes to get it.
    Reading may help me figure it out more.
  14. wonderin

    wonderin New Member

    Gina, I donated a copy of "Discovering Body Logic" to the forum 5 years ago. Linda Weber, a lovely lady who used to post here often and support others, was overseeing passing it around. Is she still here? If so, there is a free book available. Other option is to order them into libraries and make them pay for them, which is what some people in Australia have done (postage alone from Australia to U.S. costs $15).
  15. Intrepid

    Intrepid New Member

    You advertised your second book as holding the key to the solution for....but you didn't say what. I was curious. I read it. I re-read it to make sure I was understanding it. That's how I read in general.

    Any shift you claim to perceive didn't come out of DBL.
  16. Intrepid

    Intrepid New Member

    I've said what I think.

    I hope someone who reads your books and is cured of MM posts here to let us know about it.

    Good Luck!
  17. wonderin

    wonderin New Member

    Best wishes to you Intrepid.
  18. birdmom3

    birdmom3 New Member

    Thanks for the mention. I was not feeling too good today.I had errands. We did go out, and later on I thought maybe I was not going to be able to continue. And I began to think to myself that I was not having any major problem. I got busy with the food shopping and the bus back. We met some people we know and later on I remembered that I was feeling a little off.
    Well we got talking with the people and I forgot I was feeling bad. I think I let go of the anxiety.

    In the last year, I have been able to find out my triggers to the attacks. Weather here in South Carolina had been 103 degrees and remained hot until last week.We even had the apartment Air Conditioner break. We got a loner while they got a replacement for the old one. But It did not set me off. I had to adjust to the weather when it became hot in May. And that took about 10 days. Suddenly I was able to hear again. I could not hear a radio, distorted sound and not even try to listen to music. But after the period of 10 days I began to hear clearly again our radio and a television movie.

    Last week the weather turned to storms and temperature lowered by about 10 degrees. I began to have an anxiety attack. Yet there was no threat. I was busy feeding the parakeets their food. But I remembered it was a warning that the hearing and vertigo were going to come back. But I did not panic. Weather was changing.

    Staying calm and doing my household things and my reading and taking care of my birds had me busy. We got out to walk when we can. Hot weather did notset me off once I had adjusted to it. We have no car, so we must walk. Being transplanted New Yorkers, we love to walk.

    I can cope. Someone said that the brain needs to adjust. It is slow, and my ENT told me that the brain can adjust to the disease. It just takes time.Not feeling depressed helps. Doing things that take your mind off of the problem. And telling people that you have trouble hearing. People do listen.And just take time to think how lucky you are to be alive.

    It will not take the symptoms away but maybe if you just try to tell yourself that all is well with your body. It is just talking to you that it needs to adjust, and give it time. This is a mind-body connection.

  19. Gina05

    Gina05 Guest

    This is such a great description of mind over matter, and you're so right.

    I'm glad you had a good day.
    I love to walk places, too.

    I've always felt that to give up is to lose.
    I'm trying really hard to remember that and it's helping.
  20. Gustav123

    Gustav123 Life,enjoy it.

    The proof is in the pudding. Have some pudding.

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