How I healed myself

Discussion in 'Your Living Room' started by wonderin, Jun 18, 2012.

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  1. Intrepid

    Intrepid New Member

    You are welcome to post in that thread too. There are no barriers.

  2. Intrepid

    Intrepid New Member

    P.S. I deleted my reply because it was impulsive, not contemplative.
  3. wonderin

    wonderin New Member

    That's the beauty of such an open thread as the Wellness one - no right or wrong, just personal goals, sharing and support. Love it! Whenever I get into a funk, I might come in and grab a bit of that myself.

    Just caught your P.S.. I'm impulsive too at time, so I hear ya!
  4. FadedRose

    FadedRose New Member


    I read it before you nuked it and I thought you made some very valid points.
  5. Titus

    Titus New Member

    I thought Intrepid's post was full of valuable information and I'm sorry she deleted it. I think we all tend to get a bid zealous on the things that work for us and it's only natural to want to share them with others. Lee, the take I got from reading your first book was that it was more of a process than any given treatment, Yes, it did emphasize trigger point, dietary discoveries, and other things that worked for you and others, but I think your intent was to get people started on a self-discovery process by listening to your body (maybe I'm wrong.) Nothing is going to cure my herniated disc except surgery. I've tried every expensive alternative cure and every conventional cure but not one has worked and some have left me with more pain. Believe me, I was so desperate to feel better than I spend two years taking courses toward a doctorate in naturopathic health so I could really understand many of the things that I was allowing people to do to me.

    Sarita, I wish you had kept the post up because it might have been impulsive but it was honest and insightful.

  6. wonderin

    wonderin New Member

    You are right Titus that my first book ("DBL") is about a process. In it are all the things that are now openly shared on the Wellness thread - but back then, talking of things such as changing diet, eliminating gluten, taking Magnesium supplements, focusing on posture, releasing tension, reducing processed food, removing additives and questioning our thinking - in regards to helping Menieres - were radical ideas. Remember how the forum used to be?

    The second book is something else again. As far as your herniated disc goes, it's people with conditions like these that I see regularly. They come saying nothing can be done and leave realising they were wrong. I have the advantage however, that they come having heard about me from someone else, so they are already "slightly" open. I have now developed the muscle work into a specific process that is startlingly effective. In fact, it has provided people with more benefit than all the other "wellness" ideas put together. Even if diet proves to be an underlying trigger for dizziness and a person does not change their diet, for example, the muscle work will stop the dizziness. That's pretty profound when you think about it.

    Let's take your herniated disc, for example, where doctors, TP therapists, chiropractors, naturopaths, masseurs, accupuncturists (whoever!) have not been able to help. If you came to me, I would explain a whole new way of tackling the problem - same ideas many of them use, but used in a different way. First, I would reassure you that I most certainly will not touch that herniated disc as it is under enough pressure anyway. Then I would remind you that tension exists in the body for a reason - that the body holds tension to self-protect. I would show you whole body diagrams of the musculature system that I know you have seen before, but I would get you to look at the system AS A WHOLE. I would explain how a tight muscle in your stomach (for example) will be pulling your whole body over, putting pressure on that disc, as well as your neck and jaw. I would also demonstrate how a tight muscle in your calf (for example) will be forcing compensations every time you walk. I wouldn't just explain this, I would show you. Tight muscles up your spine naturally will be doing the same thing. But here’s the most important thing I would do.. I would not follow a theory of where your tension exists as therapists do - I would simply check your whole body and let it show me. But even more importantly, at no time would I take the process from you - it is ALWAYS you guiding me through your pain response - so I would never hurt you. Body first, then logic – which was why I called my first book “Body Logic”. When we had finished, I would show you your "map". What you will be looking at is the evidence of trouble you may have been living with for years, if not, decades - valuable beyond words. You will already have had a quick treatment during the mapping process, so you will likely already feel a lot better – but then comes the best part. I show you how to self-treat all those areas of your body that have been neglected. The method is simple – you can do it while watching T.V. or during work. Over the course of a few days, you will be able to watch your map change – until a point when there is barely any old tension. During that process, problems you had forgotten you even had will start to ease. You can also do the other 4 things that heal. Then comes that day when your map is clean, you will feel like a new person. This has helped every single person I have seen, regardless of their condition. No expectations, just do the work and let your body do the rest. No one in the world does this Titus. I could have parcelled it up and charged a fortune as some physical therapists and friends suggested I do. But I didn’t. I put the whole thing in a book that anyone and everyone can afford. The ironic thing is that people are used to salespeople and hearing the same old same old, so they don’t know what it is I am offering.
  7. Trinity

    Trinity Bilateral Menieres 20 years, 24-7 symptoms,

    Lee I want to order your book. As I said in an earlier post I had your first book and misplaced it, but found that I did feel better doing some of the things you mentioned in the book. It is $44.00 to have it shipped to Southern California in a hard copy. You mentioned an e-book, but I do not know what that is? I am leaving town on Monday and I do not want to order the book and have it laying around on my door step- for days. Please , if you will, e-mail me where to order it again so when I get back in 10 days I can order it. I will print out the info. so I don't have to bother you again Thanks Carole [email protected]
  8. wonderin

    wonderin New Member

    Thanks Carole. I have now sent you an email with more detailed instructions, but basically it says that an "ebook" is an "electronicbook" that can be downloaded onto your computer instantly upon purchasing (saving you the cost of printing and postage). This option is available down the bottom of the home page of
    Thanks for your interest.
  9. Intrepid

    Intrepid New Member

    Years ago I was very much interested in Bioenergetics based on work by Alexander Lowen, Wilhem Reich, etc. and I used to talk about it a lot on the forum. Reich called it Bioenergetics. It was about the body mind connection and how the body holds the unexpressed emotions in such away that it can actually block or deform certain areas. It's basically psychotherapy that involves the body as much as the mind. We'd have endless talks about it and I even went to see a Bodyenergetics practitioner and posted about my experience.

    He used the term "armoring" to describe the way the body tenses up and holds that tension.

    Edit: His Orgone therapy was a bit twilight zone but the basic principal of bioenergetics was the body traps and holds on to blockages. Unblock those and things flow again.

    Rolfing, The Alexander Technique and a couple of others came out of Reich's work. Sounds like Body Mapping is along the same lines....feeling for blockages in the body's musculo-skeletal system based on where tension is held.

    Body work is interesting when you also apply mind work to it.
  10. Titus

    Titus New Member

    Lee, The last therapist I saw holds a doctorate in physical therapy and is also a chiropractor. She used a mapping system and included my whole body. She recognized that my scoliosis and many, many muscles played an important role in the disc issue. She was also aware of the atlas/axis connection. Before she would even look at the neck area she evaluated my posture, measured various deviations from normal posture and which knotted up muscles were responsible for pulling me out of correct posture. She reviewed my MRIs carefully and noted that my TMJ was dislocated and would not recapture upon closing. We worked together for months and she actually corrected my posture and my crooked neck. We worked months on corrections before she started treating the neck. I regained core strength, better posture, and looked better but my disc remained pressing on the nerve, causing pain. On our first session she reminded me of the mind/body connection and spent an hour asking me questions about my past....emotional questions to give her (and me) clues. That therapist was the closest think I found to what you are describing.

    Do you think your book would be something she might be interested in reading? Would it help her with her treatment process?
  11. wonderin

    wonderin New Member

    In answer to your first question Titus, I have no idea. Two physiotherapists were shown my book: one wouldn't even open it as I was not formally trained in health care, the other read it, used the method to resolve her own ongoing injury then bought multiple copies to take back to Canada. It all came down to personality. Ironically, the first physio's wife read my book and sought me out for help but said "Don't tell my husband as it would hurt his feelings". In answer to your second question - again it depends on her. I had a lady come round to see me after her therapist mentioned my book - now she no longer sees her physical therapist, or for that matter me, as she does it all herself. This can be very threatening to people who have spent years studying to earn a living treating others. As threatening as it may be, I can't help that as it works.
  12. wonderin

    wonderin New Member

    I deleted this post because it was just extra fluff. :)
  13. Titus

    Titus New Member

    I think my therapist would be interested and would read the book. I believe she would be willing to try your method on a test patient. One clarification, Lee, and this is an important one. Do you think I can do it without the help of my therapist, using your book?
  14. Titus

    Titus New Member


    I bought the PDF and will begin reading.
  15. Intrepid

    Intrepid New Member

    I read it.
  16. wonderin

    wonderin New Member

    Yes. Everything we think and do reflects in the body. Everything. It is impossible to divide the two. That's why we are so important to our own healing.
  17. Intrepid

    Intrepid New Member

    I don't see much of a difference between the two books.
  18. wonderin

    wonderin New Member

    Thanks for being open to the book and for your comment Intrepid. The method never changes, it just becomes more specific and simplified.

    This is such an important question that I didn't respond instantly so I could think about it. First - what I've found is that we hugely underestimate the effects of chronic tension. We rarely realise that one tiny muscle under constant strain can be responsible for life-long chronic pain anywhere (the knee, the hip, the ear). Other muscles will then need to compensate so it becomes a "whole body" thing. Almost all therapists, due to their time restraints and focus on conceptual referred patterns of pain, miss this. Comes a time when that one tiny muscle won't release unless it is all released. I believe the same thing happens with Meniere's disease. The tiny "joint" inside the ear is under tension. The Eustachian tube, the jaw, the neck. the shoulders etc... all compensate. The problem is a lack of space within and around the ear - inside our own heads. This is why TMJ is so often (but not always) implicated. It is the closest joint.

    Now to answer your question. No one else can reach the muscles inside your own ear/head (although I have just noticed on another post that light therapy is exploring this). Imagine a therapist who keeps treating jaw tension for example, then we set our mouth every time we disagree with something. Can't stop old habits easily, but we can self-check and self-treat afterwards. Also, it requires daily specific work to release the tension inside the head. I believe that for life-long results, it has to be self-treatment. But that's not to say your therapist can't help you shift towards this. I'm here for another few weeks, so if you are interested in trying this and have any questions, ask away. In short, I think you can do this on your own, but you don't have to.
  19. Intrepid

    Intrepid New Member

    I'm open to anything that presents itself as promising and different. But I didn't see any difference between the two books. The second one had more examples of your family members and the body parts were slightly more elaborated upon, but other than that, I think it was the same as Body Logic.

    Easy read though.
  20. wonderin

    wonderin New Member

    Thanks for your view Intrepid. Lots of people who buy the second book have specific injuries so they don't want to hear about "hierarchy of suffering" or how health clues set in etc. They have a condition they want to fix in as simple way as possible. Most people now read the second book first. Next re-print I will include more success stories in their own words. Thanks.

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