Discussion in 'Your Living Room' started by Carlson, Sep 1, 2009.

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  1. Carlson

    Carlson New Member

    I have had MM for about five years, bilateral, although I really only feel it in my right ear with fullness, ringing, severe sensitivity to sound ( I have to wear a soft ear plug in my right ear all the time except at night). Every time I go to our cabin a 7,000 feet elevation, I get increased symptoms of tinnitis, constant and pulsating, pressure and dizziness, sometimes vertigo when it is dark, mostly at night when trying to sleep. I also have increased symptoms when a thunder storm comes around. Anybody else have problems with high elevations or elevation changes? I take supplements and a no salt healthy diet. Diuretics do not agree with me or any medications...
    Carlson (female age 56)...
  2. June-

    June- New Member

    I was just the opposite, better at high elevations. I think this is something you should bring to your dr's attention. It may be a consideration in the diagnosis. I am dx'd with eustachian tube problems as well as hydrops. Beats me how it all came on at the same time but whatever the case it is helpful to know in dealing with it.
  3. Michael

    Michael New Member

    Whew. I have had 2 major episodes at high elevations one at 17,500 in Nepal and one at 14,000 in Tanzania. They came on fast and left me a puking mess.

    I feel awful for you because I am guessing that the cabin is fun place to be.

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