DBL support group ... everyone welcome!

Discussion in 'Your Living Room' started by Mnme, Oct 31, 2007.

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  1. Mnme

    Mnme Guest

    Very cool indeed Milo!
    My focus was on finding the most effective way to permanently release tension from my ear/jaw/eustachian tube. To do this (in my case ... and we will all be slightly different), I had to release neck tension. To do this, I had to unlock my right shoulder. What was the most logical way to achieve all of this? It was 'simply' to get the head back in position and unlearn my habitual stress responses. This is the beauty of the 'Legs Up' sequence. It releases tension WHILE in correct position (double bonus).

    Once that tension's gone, everything quietens down. It feels wonderfully calm (almost like 'nerve buzzing' stops). Hearing finally has a real chance to return.

    Good luck!

  2. Mnme

    Mnme Guest

    I noticed the same thing Diane.
  3. pardonme

    pardonme Guest

  4. old timer

    old timer Guest

    I tend to agree with you , Intrepid. I was interested in this thread when it first started, but lately it's taken on a condescending tone. I'm positive the posters who are trying to get the word out, don't intend it to sound this way, but that's the way I see it now. That's not the way I saw it when I first started reading the thread.

    It's too bad, but you guys are beating a dead horse and for me, it's starting to wear thin. You are sounding superior to the rest of us idiots who don't have trigger points. It's really unfortunate, because you message is a good one. Plant the seed and then stomp the ground you planted in so it won't grow?? You guys are better than that.
  5. June

    June New Member

    You expressed my thought exactly, Oldtimer.
  6. pardonme

    pardonme Guest

  7. June

    June New Member

    The difference is my point of view. There is no 'it'. I have never in my life found myself in complete agreement with any 'path'. I learn some here, some there, some around the corner and put it together in the way that seems right to me for my situation. At this time, this thread appears to be looking for trainees, devotees not colleagues. That doesn't work for me. It will work for some others.
  8. June

    June New Member

    the term 'Labby' on the forum (abreviation for the operation)

    If I use the term laby, it will be be because I don't know how to spell - or pronounce for that matter - the term Labrynthectomy.

    I had a craniotomy, middle fossa, to remove a vestibular schwanoma a while back. I sometimes refer to it as my head surgery, my brain surgery, my ear operation etc. It is just easier. I did not go into it thinking it was a warm fuzzy thing to do. I hope no one would make that strange assumption upon hearing me talk just as I hope no one happening by the wake for my beloved father would have thought we were glad he was dead because there was laughter with the tears as we remembered the good times, the best years with him, though I am sure there are some people who would tsk tsk about us.
  9. Titus

    Titus New Member

    This makes both common sense and medical sense. If my body isn't stressing out over its aches and pains and dizziness, then maybe my immune system will go off red alert and allow these falsely occused invaders to enter my body. Praise the Lord!
  10. Mnme

    Mnme Guest

    As far as I know, I have responded to every post directly addressed to me. Your second sentence is, at best, impolite.

    Imparting healing ... Who's doing that? And why on earth should I be humble? I have and always will be quite the opposite: persistent, stubborn and opinionated - and proud of it.

    The point you have picked up on was on the danger in using the word 'Labby'. If you think its use is fine, then it's good to hear your opinion and I take your point. But be clear that I never said anything about whether people should have a Labrynthectomy or not (that is always the individual's choice). The rest of the stuff that came out in response to that one comment (which was only about semantics and only my opinion) must have been building.

    It's natural that the tone of this thread has changed as it's more into the 'doing' phase (questions/answers/suggestions). So it will sound different to those who haven't read it or aren't applying it. Ironically, I was initally criticised for not sharing info and now I'm criticised for sharing it too much. But hey, you can't please everyone so I will plug along doing the best I can.

  11. Mnme

    Mnme Guest

    Yes, it's wonderful news Kim! What I couldn't do (or eat) before, I now can. It's just getting to that point that takes a bit of effort. People may think I'm a health nut or fitness fanatic but I'm not. That red light is no longer on. All that has changed is, the moment I see it flicker, I recognise it and respond.

  12. Mnme

    Mnme Guest

    It's Titus who generously offered to kick off the program in January. Darrell and I will more than likely be heading north to pay our increasing bills. I lost my permanent position in teaching years ago when forced to quit due to ill health so need to teach in remote communities to earn it back. The bills have to be paid. The harsh reality is, getting this book published cost us our savings.

    But as long as she is happy to do this, Pardonme (Diane) knows all there is to know on this subject, so fortunately she can clarify/answer questions when needed. Even better, she learned how to apply this through hundreds of PM's (it's far easier in person) and her own research. Whatever I found helpful to read, she would willingly read. All the skills I found helpful, she would learn. Diane does an amazing job inspiring and sharing with others, particularly as she is very busy running her own business. And of course Kass knows these concepts inside out. And now Ariapace. And soon I suspect, many more. But the trouble is, it's VERY hard to keep sharing when continually criticised. It takes very broad shoulders to stay on target to reach those who are interested. So sadly, these people will start to experience what I have experienced on this forum for close to 6 years now. It's such a shame that it needs to be this way.

    I guess this as good a time as any to publicly thank you Diane for all you do. You always take the time to share. As I said in the Acknowledgements of my book "Your insights into human nature continually astonish me." Thank you.

  13. Mnme

    Mnme Guest

    But of course I am still excited. Why else would I have written a book, or be organising interviews, or getting it into shops, or continually talking with groups of people about it? Getting this message out will take time. Finding a way to pay the bills is just a necessary part of my far broader vision.

    And although Travell 'discovered' TP's and Davies made the concepts more user friendly, no one before has applied these ideas to chronic illness sufferers (those who I believe can benefit the most!) - or introduced it through the body's own logic (instead of restrictive theory). Nor have they shown how much is possible, why it is possible and how easy this can be done. This is unique. And as Diane said, the concept of TP's is only 2 chapters out of 20. Intrepid, I just don't understand why you stay in this thread if it annoys you? It is obvious that some are gaining benefits, so why not just feel good about that and leave those who want to learn more to do so. And if I bug em, or this thread in general, they'll soon move on. Options and personal choice.

  14. deercharmer1

    deercharmer1 Somewhere in the forest....

    Alllll righty, then....

    With 36 pages, 530 replies (now 531) and 6,597 views, it seems to me that the original intent of this thread has been lost.

    However, with a title like DBL support group ... everyone welcome!, I think this could be misleading, and sets up a mixed message of sorts.

    Much of the discussions have involved practicing the principles outlined in Lee's book, and that assumes a basic agreement with "body logic" principles. I am comfortable discussing these principles, as I have bought the book.

    Someone who has not, though, may feel lost without a reference point.

    I see disagreements taking place primarily on semantics, and pardonme hit the nail on the head when she said

    So what is this thread SUPPOSED to be?

    If, in fact, it is a support group for the devotees of Discovering Body Logic, then perhaps that should have been explained in the beginning.

    If it was an open discussion of "body logic", along with other types of complementary and alternative medicine, then there should be no hard feelings when folks disagree or have differing points of view.

    I know I have started to participate in different threads on this forum, only to see things take a drastic turn, making me say "Whoa, Nellie!" and come to an abrupt stop.

    I also know that I EXPECTED Lee to stick around and lead this discussion, as she is the author of the book, for heaven's sakes!!! But that is a luxury I might not have, and I can live with it. Lee, after all, does have life outside .org, even if I don't.... ::)

    Perhaps we need to come to some sort of agreement....let's take a big step back and ask ourselves where we'd like to go with this...for example, I am looking forward to a new thread in January, working through the DBL book one chapter at a time.

    And maybe there's a need for another type of thread...one open to debate and discussion about alternative treatments...a debate that allows for all viewpoints and does not push one or the other...

    Truthfully, I think we all need a good massage!!!
  15. ToniG

    ToniG Guest

    Why isn't there a DBL support forum on Lee's website? Alot of threads on menieres.org are now "read Lee's book". :-\
  16. pardonme

    pardonme Guest

  17. June

    June New Member

    "I don't believe the original intent of this thread was to debate DBL or mix it up with other treatments, therapies, and concepts...but rather to extend a hand in healing and the support required to do so via the path of DBL alone. "

    The dbl website would offer this exclusivity better than any other website. I think whenever we are on a general forum we invite comments from the general community.
  18. Mnme

    Mnme Guest

    The answer to your first question is because of cost.
    A response to your second comment is because it works - something to be celebrated.
  19. ToniG

    ToniG Guest

    DBL works for you, not everyone. My hair cells are completely destroyed, DBL won't restore my hearing. My vestibular nerve is damaged, DBL won't restore my balance. I am a very healthy person who is pro-active in my health. I will celebrate when I go into remission or burn out not when someone tells me to buy a book that will cure me.

    Simple enough, Menieres.org is paying to promote your book and your support group.
  20. pardonme

    pardonme Guest

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