All this for a glass of water

Discussion in 'Your Writer's Den' started by lulu48, Jan 20, 2011.

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  1. lulu48

    lulu48 New Member

    I’m so thirsty. I haven’t had anything to drink since this morning. The walk to the kitchen is so far though. Do I attempt it or just stay where I am? If I drink something then I will likely have to use the bathroom later and that is one more difficult trip to have to navigate.

    I suppose I’ll give it a try. I get up and begin the walk up the stairs. My eyes are playing tricks on me. Things seem to be moving even though I know they aren’t. One step at a time I keep telling myself, just one step at a time. You’re almost there. The floor feels like it is sinking and I am being sucked into it. Don’t worry, it’s not really happening Lu, just keep moving. Only a couple more steps and you’ll be on the landing finally.

    I reach the landing but then there is open space between the top of the stairs and the kitchen. I’m really wishing I had brought my cane with me. I step forward with nothing to hold on to. One step then two. I feel myself losing my balance and try to reach for the wall but I miss. It’s too late and down I fall into a heap on the floor. I land on both knees. I’ll have bruises in the morning to show for this trek.

    I cry… a child I cry. My face in my hands I cry. My cat walks over to me trying to nudge me with her nose. I look at her, pat her on the head and smile. I begin again. I crawl towards the wall and grab it to pull myself up. I dry my tears and start moving again. Holding onto the wall I make it to the kitchen cabinet and take down a glass. I clutch the glass in one hand and the countertop with the other as I make my way to the fridge. I am so very thirsty. I pour my water and gulp it down. I didn’t realize just how thirsty I was. It tastes so good. I pour another glassful and down it as well.

    As I am drinking I think about having to reverse this whole process and make it back down the stairs and onto the sofa again. Maybe I’ll be able to do it this time without falling. Next time I’ll bring my cane. What would normally have taken anyone else a matter of a few seconds has now taken me almost 10 minutes.

    And all this for a glass of water.
  2. burd

    burd New Member

    Save this story for anyone in your life that takes for granted what we don't take for granted anymore. What seems like a simple act can be like moving a mountain at times.
  3. Lorrie K

    Lorrie K New Member

    I've had so many of those days, too many to count. Hope you feel better soon!
  4. survivedit

    survivedit New Member

    Well told and well understood and.....well, sorry.
  5. tm53

    tm53 New Member

  6. survivorgirl34

    survivorgirl34 New Member

    you are in my prayers
  7. Nathan

    Nathan New Member

    *gently places a glass of water on your coffee table
  8. lulu48

    lulu48 New Member

    Nathan, I don't know why but what you wrote brought tears to my eyes. I had almost forgotten about writing this piece. I wrote it on a very bad day and believe me I would have most humbly accepted your kind offer of a glass of water. Thank you so much.
  9. vanisdizzy

    vanisdizzy Im sorry we met here, but glad to meet you.


    Do you still have days like this?
  10. lulu48

    lulu48 New Member

    Yeah unfortunately I do Van. I just had a bad fall down my stairs a couple of weeks ago and banged myself up pretty good. Lost my balance at the top of the stairs and went all the way down to the bottom. Turns out I bounce pretty dang good. :D

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