These exercises are hard at first, but with repitition, they get easier. Once you can do them relying on your legs and feet and eyes to keep your balance instead of your balance system becomes an unconscious thing.

Do each 3 times a day, the goal is 60 seconds then longer (try to consentrate on catching balance with feet and legs instead of the whole body)

Once you can do this, stand on a couch cushion, then with eyes shut

1. Stand with your feet a comfortable distance apart

2) Stand with feet together

3) Stand with one foot in front of the each other, as if you just took a step. Switch feet.

4) Stand heel to toe. Switch feet.

 5) Stand erect and sway forward and backwards from your ankles. Do NOT bend at       your waist.

 6) Stand erect and sway from side to side from your ankles. Do NOT bend at your waist.

7) Stand on one leg. Switch feet.

8) Walk to the side. Switch directions.

9) Walk along a line with comfortable steps.

10) Walk along a line heel to toe.

11) Step over books or pillow on the floor.

12) Walk while turning your head.

13) Walk in a square, making quick turns.

14) While walking, stoop over and pick up objects from the floor.

15) Walk while looking up and down.

 16) Stand erect with one foot in front of the other, as if you just took a step. Shift your weight forward onto the front foot and then backwards onto the back foot.

1) Focus on an object held in front of you
 a) Move your head back and forth keeping the object in focus.

 b) Move your head up and down keeping the object in focus.

 c) Move the object and your head back and forth in opposite directions keeping the object in focus.

 d) Move object and your head up and down in opposite directions keeping the object in focus.

2) Start in a sitting position. Stand up without using your arms to suuport you. Repeat   turning around as you stand up.

3) Throw a ball back and forth to someone (works best with a large ball, then smaller)

4) Circle around a person who throws a ball back and forth to you. Keep the ball in      focus.

 5) When walking down a grocery store aisle, or in a mall try to focus on an object as you are passing it.  Look both right and left, as well as up and down.

 6) When riding in a car, try to focus on street signs or other objects. Look both left and right.

Do these as fast as you can. Hold the position until the dizziness stops or for 30 seconds before returning to starting point.
Do 3 times, 3 times a day.
Day 1
 1) Turn head to the left.

2) Turn head to right.

3) Look up.

4) Look down.

5) Tilt head to the left.

6) Tilt head to the left.

Day 2Do 1-6 and the following:
 7) Bend over left knee.

8) Bend over right knee.

Day 3 Do 1-8 and the following:
 9) Sitting to lying down.

10) Lying down to sitting up.

11) Roll from back to left side.

12) Roll from back to right side.

 Day 4 Do 1-12 and the following: Do 16-17 starting at 3 repetitions: add 1 a day until you get to 10 repetitions.
 13) Sit to stand.

14) Shake head yes.

15) Shake head no

16) Move quickly from a sitting position to lying on your right side.

17) Move quickly from a sitting position to lying on your left side.